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Web Exploration of NuGrid Data Interative

Web Exploration of NuGrid Data Interative (WENDI) is NuGrid’s Cyberhubs platform that allows data analysis and exploration of the NuGrid data sets and also allows you to run the NuPyCEE NuGrid Python Galactic Chemical Evolution Environment. There are both python notebook templates and GUI based access options. There is also a cyberhub application that allows you to run the MESA stellar evolution code.

WENDI It is a jupyter based platform and you just need a github account to login. If you would like to perform a longer-term research project or a training session with WENDI please contact Falk Herwig so that we can ensure stable access and storage, maybe to one of the backup servers.

WENDI now exists as a hub inside Astrohub developed and operated by the UVic group.


WENDI started out as a CANFAR project and is running on virtual CANFAR servers provided by Compute Canada. Specifically, these servers run on the WestGrid Arbutus cloud machine operated at the University of Victoria. Development of the Cyberhubs software stack was supported by NSERC through a Discovery grant to Falk Herwig, NSF through a CDS&E grant to Paul Woodward and through the NSF Physics Frontier center JINA-CEE and through a Canarie platform developement grant Software-as-a-Service.